
This is my personal collection of recipes. Some of them I developed myself from scratch, some are adapted from other sources. The purpose is mostly to have a single convenient place with all my recipes, but I share them publicly because – why not?

If you end up trying one of these, I’d love to hear from you, whether it’s with feedback, with suggestions for improvements, or just to say hello!

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Ice cream making is special – check out my dedicated site on ice cream making for notes and tips on that specific topic.


You’ll find that in my recipes almost all ingredients are given as precise quantities, even where you normally wouldn’t expect it, e.g. “120 g onion” rather than “1 onion”. These amounts don’t have to be observed precisely though. Their purpose is only to give a well-defined point of reference, especially for natural products that can be of wildly varying sizes.

I almost always use weights (in grams, sorry America) because they’re easier to measure precisely. I also find the workflow of putting ingredients into a bowl on a scale and taring after each one very comfortable.

If a quantity seems oddly specific, that might be because I rounded to a number that’s dividable by the base servings amount of the recipe.


I try to take a somewhat scientific approach to recipe development and improvement: change a variable, try it out, and if the result is improved, update the recipe. This is another reason for using precise quantities: it’s much easier to understand what effect changes have if you know what you’re putting in.

My recipes are living documents: I might change and update them, and the texts often contain notes about ideas and changes I want to try out.


I like recipes that can be prepared in bulk and preserved by home canning. The equipment used for home canning varies a lot from region to region, so if you want to try it yourself, just use whatever you can get your hands on.

Please be cautious when doing home canning! If done improperly, it can lead to food poisoning such as botulism! Familiarize yourself with safe home canning methods before getting started.

Vegetarian / Vegan

I’m a vegetarian, so all my recipes are vegetarian. Most are vegan as well. It’s more ethical, easier when having vegan guests and I enjoy the creative challenge of cooking vegan. It’s also nice that plant-based ingredients tend to be easier to handle, store and preserve.


Banana Ice Cream

A creamy ice cream with lots of banana flavor.

working time20 min ice cream vegan vegetarian

Cheese Fondue

Our personal cheese fondue recipe.

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Chocolate Ice Cream

My recipe for chocolate ice cream with oat milk and lots of chocolate.

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Coffee Ice Cream

A creamy and delicious coffee ice cream. It contains lots of coffee and no dairy for maximum coffee flavor.

working time20 min ice cream vegan vegetarian

Currywurst Sauce

A full and spicy sauce meant to be enjoyed with sausage as currywurst.

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Dark Chocolate Sorbet

A sorbet with dark chocolate and no dairy for maximum chocolate-iness.

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Kidney Bean Burgers

Savory burger patties made from kidney beans.

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Marzipan Ice Cream

An ice cream based on delicious marzipan.

working time20 min ice cream vegan vegetarian


Semmelknödel are dumplings made from bread. A great way to turn stale bread into something delicious.

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Vanilla Ice Cream

My recipe for vegan vanilla ice cream made with vanilla bean.

working time15 min ice cream vegan vegetarian


Crispy and fluffly waffles.

working time20 min vegetarian vegan