This note is part of my Zettelkasten.
I’m trying to write more by hand again.
- because it’s nice, fun, personal and I like fountain pens
- but mostly because it helps with thinking
- I always liked to have a piece of paper around to scribble stuff down
- helps to have another “canvas” around besides the PC
- especially for drawings
- can I structure that better and nicer?
- notebooks?
- paper
- inks
- what do I even want on paper?
- only transient stuff mostly
- for longer things and stuff I want to have as “knowledge base” I prefer the convenience of a computer
- also I type much faster than I can write
- improve my penmanship to get closer in speed without losing legibility
- learn Steno?
- also I prefer to have a digital calendar – easy to share with my girlfriend
- see these notes
- maybe for todos? instead of writing stuff into my self-chat write it
down on paper?
- maybe something journal-like?
- Bullet Journal
- thoughts, maybe later go through it and enter important things here in my Zettelkasten